DIISHA : future Of Healthcare

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Digital Health Annuity Model (DHAM)

DIISHA is a backed by a unique blended finance model DHAM to finance this upgradation on PPP financial model. It will bring major national health and welfare programs bundled together with DBT to beneficiary.

Through this upskilling process, we address India health sector challenges especially grassroot clinical data. This will create Asia’s largest data bank. Will support effective disease surveillance and population health management to achieve SDG3 goals. DIISHA’s innovative finance model (DHAM) will over time build a sustainable financial model to contribute to drive healthcare GDP spend from 2% to 5%.

  • Out of the 100% health budget of the state, 30% portion is estimated to be redirected to DISHA in only those specific districts where the pilot is being conducted. This portion is redirected against the budget of those diseases only, which are already being covered by DISHA in its NCD list for healthcare service delivery.

  • DIISHA is aimed to achieve a higher degree of precision, transparency and accountability of healthcare service delivery with the use of advanced technologies. Despite all indicators of higher efficacy in terms of implementation, penetration, and coverage, DIISHA is projected to be spending 10% lesser budget from its first day.

  • As per the Ministry of Commerce and Invest India report, 100% FDI is allowed in healthcare 20% projects and joint initiatives. As of now, 20% share or investment out of this 100% is open for private investors in DISHA'S DHAM Public Private Partnership Model.

  • An annuity is an annual income from infrastructure which takes typically a period of 12 to 24 months in physical infrastructure projects to contribute to the Operational Expenditure (OpEx.). DIISHA being pilot project of the first 'physical data center infrastructure' of health- care utilizes state and centre combined support to patch this period with a 20% estimated annuity for a limited tenure.

  • 20% of DIISHA's total spending budget is aimed to be earned via operational services along with validation and testing support extended to government entities, 'regulatory and certifica- tion bodies', and 'population health management institutions' and entities of healthcare.

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